At a table on the quiet side of the room, five black women are talking. Sex. Helping a friend…
Notes: My most recent column for National Catholic Reporter references the freshmen class I teach in Philadelphia, not to be…

Since I see no reason to add to the thousands of think pieces EBONY magazine’s November cover story, “Cosby vs. Cliff,â€Â undoubtedly…

I’m willing to let this one go. Earlier this month, Louisville Metro Police Officer Nathan Blanford shot Deng Manyoun, a…

Though I am often critical of the Black Church, my criticism comes from a place of love and fondness…
This summer, I’m finally making time to go through Javacia Harris Bowser’s e-course, “How to Write and Have a Life. 

“If you had a little girl right now, how would you discipline her?” a friend asked me recently. “I don’t…

Someone asked me the following question in a Facebook comment when I posted this article on the similarities between domestic…

Do public celebrations commemorating emancipation, heritage and history help to instill a private consciousness in the people of the communities…

Finally felt that affinity with other African people when I was in Tobago. I looked out into the salt water…

Since I wrote this post, two things have happened: 1. I’ve seen some white people in Trinidad. 2. I’ve been…

Update 07/19/2014: Since I’ve given up on trying to upload audio for the photo voice project, I’ve decided to…

Update 08/01/2-014: Victory. Read more here. Update 07/22/2014: LMHA is reevaluating. See this article in the Courier-Journal: http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2014/07/21/housing-authority-reviewing-section-experiment/12969879/ Update 07/14/2014:…

During my Fulbright-National Geographic application process (from initial decision to apply to outcome), there were three specific times I seriously…

On Friday my mom and I drove up to the Evansville Museum to see the exhibit, “Posing Beauty in African…
I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

In “The Comfort of a Sweet, Black, Dreadlocked Jesus,” I recalled the image of Jesus Christ as depicted in a painting…

A note about today’s post: I have a bi-weekly column on National Catholic Reporter, and I plan to use these…

In a few short months, I’ll have to make a very important decision. I’ll have to write a personal statement…

After the Zimmerman verdict, my pastor sent a letter to the congregation expressing his hurt and anger. Near the…

UPDATE 7/7/2013: People who are better photographers than I am took tons of photos of everyone. Click here to see…

Much has already been discussed about single African Americans’ dating desires based on findings from a poll released earlier this month that showed how black people feel…

***Update 6/11/2013: If writers of color need a space to gather, their books need a place to be sold, and…

Am I a “Southerner?” Yesterday’s Talk of the Nation made me want to say, “Yes!†I was in the car…

I could be cooking right now. Or gardening. Or sleeping. Or exercising. Or reading. Or writing something else. But I’m…