Category Archives: Sex
Bringing Black Churches into Reproductive Justice

(For the first Faith & Feminism Friday of 2013, I’m a guest contributor on the “Feminism and Religion” blog. The…

Why Race Should Matter to Pro-Choice Activists

  As I progress with subsequent drafts of my book, I’ve been meeting with another writer for accountability and feedback….

An Open Letter to Shonda Rhimes: Bring April’s Sexy Back
Dr. Kepner

    Dear Ms. Rhimes: Most of the time, I love you and you make me regret not sticking it…

If the Mayans are Right
photo - mayan calendar

  If the Mayans are right*, and the world does end on Dec. 21, 2012—does anyone else wonder if the…

Handling Shade with Subtext: a lesson in writing and interracial dating

  As a writer, I love subtext, and Shonda Rhimes does it brilliantly. The genius behind “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scandal”…

Do Tell! (but no pressure)
photo: woman with speech bubble

  I must not be up on my feminism game. Apparently, I’ve missed the wave of abortion “coming out” stories…

Bringing feminism into sexual morality

I stumbled upon the above tweets a few days ago in the timeline of Jonathan Merritt, author of “A Faith…

Virginity as a social construct?
40-yr-old virgin poster

“I don’t really believe in virginity.”   I heard “The F Word” blogger Holly Combe say this during a segment…

Looking for Plan B: An open letter to girls

To a 16-year-old girl who wants to buy Plan B-One over the counter: Someone in the Obama administration you’ve probably…

Baby do or baby don’t?

Story #1: Educated, career-oriented American women falsely assume they can easily conceive children when they’re in their 40s.   Story…

The double-edged sword of religion in health care

My column below was published 8/2/2011 as “Hospital Merger is a Double-Edged Sword for Indigent Women,” in The Forum section…

Reality check: Bristol Palin, teen moms and American hardship

In a recent Courier-Journal article, Lifehouse executive director Joan Smith said the organization offers alternatives to abortion and said that Palin’s life “is the reality. She is a role model in the fact that she chose to have her child.” A role model? Reality? If Bristol Palin had to live one day of her magical life like the pregnant teens I’ve known, I don’t think she would be able to take it.

The Sacred Vow

What do black women and Catholic priests have in common?

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