Category Archives: Life
The Feminist First Lady Question Continues

Since reading a few comments to “Michelle Obama is role model, but maybe not a feminist one,” my most recent…

I’m a Terrible Student, but I’m Still Learning

At around 5:00 pm yesterday, I looked at the clock and the work I still had before me to complete….

How to Support a Writer

  I can think of at least three things I’d rather be doing right now instead of writing a blog…

The Scandal of Losing Community

As I mentioned in my post about what I’m into, I watch Scandal religiously. I’ve found, however, that I don’t…


  Currently is today’s #BlogLikeCrazy prompt. I’ve never written a post about what I’m into at the moment, but I’m…

7 Crazy Things

I’ve made a commitment to #BlogLikeCrazy this month, an action I believe is necessary but also for real for real…

How Social Justice Work Keeps You Single

Today is September 1, 2013, so it’s official: it’s been one year since a man asked for my number. To…

White Girl Dipped in Chocolate?

Many years ago, my father said that by the time I have children, they’ll be white kids dipped in chocolate….

Okay, I’ll Keep Gratitude

Several weeks ago, I came across a Living Social deal for and decided I wanted to decorate the walls…


Between traveling for work, fundraising for and attending VONA, and moving into a new place, June and July were and…

Silenced No More: The VONA Experience

UPDATE 7/7/2013: People who are better photographers than I am took tons of photos of everyone. Click here to see…

So Black People Aren’t Sex-Crazed, Baby-Making Machines?

Much has already been discussed about single African Americans’ dating desires based on findings from a poll released earlier this month that showed how black people feel…

The Graduation Speech I Wish I had Heard

Dr. Ruth Simmons, former president of Brown University, delivered my commencement speech. Honestly, I don’t remember a thing she said….

Why Race Should Matter to Pro-Choice Activists

  As I progress with subsequent drafts of my book, I’ve been meeting with another writer for accountability and feedback….

An Open Letter to Shonda Rhimes: Bring April’s Sexy Back
Dr. Kepner

    Dear Ms. Rhimes: Most of the time, I love you and you make me regret not sticking it…

Pretty Biblical

Sometimes I read posts written as responses to something unusual and esoteric written online and wonder how the respondent found…

Tis the Right Season?

The end of the year is near. I know that not just because of the change in seasons or the…

Talking feminism on TV

UPDATE 8/25: Watch the full broadcast here. I’ve promoted this appearance like crazy on Facebook and Twitter, but somehow, I…

Paying respect to The Help
photo: my great-aunt in her day work uniform with the children she kept

  I’ve grown up attending wakes and funerals for people of my grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ generations.  At these sad memorials…

The double-edged sword of religion in health care

My column below was published 8/2/2011 as “Hospital Merger is a Double-Edged Sword for Indigent Women,” in The Forum section…

The burden of having it all cont’d
photo: pile of shoe boxes

Notice in my last post I said I’m not the only one who feels this way, not felt. I should be…

Have it all? I’ll have none of that
Photo: Small child looking at a wall of candy in a candy store

Photo by rhoadeecha “…our choice-rich lives have the potential to breed their own brand of trouble. … The problem, simply…

The last day

For kicks and giggles, let’s just say tomorrow, Saturday, May 21, 2011, really is the end of the world. I…

You call that student aid?

Over the next month or so, hundreds of thousands of students across the country will walk across stages to shake…

A day remembered for someone loved

Like the fun but uneventful classroom parties of my elementary school years, most of the Valentine’s Days in my adult life blur together in one unmemorable picture. All except for one.

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