Category Archives: Faith
Redbone Afropuff is Moving – Thank You and Farewell

Dear Readers, I’ve been blogging at Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS since 2009. It’s been a great run, but as…

The Ruth-Boaz Myth and the Hard and the Gospel of Sexual Freedom – #SFS17 Day 2

I attended a conference session called, “Defusing the Power of Toxic Religion for Sexual Advocacy,” because I’m writing a memoir…

The Gospel of Reproductive Justice – #SFS17 Day 1

  At a table on the quiet side of the room, five black women are talking. Sex. Helping a friend…

Something I Neither Expected nor Sought (Essay 18 of 52)

Author’s Note: If you’re a steady reader of this blog, you know I worry about writing in obscurity forever. It’s…

Why my students need love as much as they do poetry (Essay 17 of 52)

Notes: My most recent column for National Catholic Reporter references the freshmen class I teach in Philadelphia, not to be…

Being single shouldn’t feel like punishment, but for black church girls, it often does

How is a church like prison and being incarcerated like belonging to a church? Both have a way of asking,…

How the Orlando shooting is just like the Charleston massacre

… there is nothing new under the sun. –Ecclesiastes 1:9 When I heard about 50 people at a gay nightclub…

What I’m Still Learning from Prince

I’ve been trying to process why Prince’s death feels so much worse to me than Michael Jackson’s or even Whitney…

Slave narratives, respectability politics, black womanhood and choice

You may ask for freedom only if you live above reproach. That was the message to enslaved black people in…

Faithfully 2015

Last night, as I was wracking my brain to come up with an end-of-year post that was reflective, inspirational and…

A working definition of feminist part 1: Why not womanist?

When Cameo King sent me questions about feminism to help me prepare for this broadcast, I had to take a…

A Piece of My ‘Good Girl’ Confession

For today’s Faith & Feminism Friday, I refer you to a conversation recorded over the summer when I was honored…

Dear Future Husband, Please Forgive Me

In a past life, I slut-shamed my future husband. Except I can’t really call it slut-shaming, because the standards of…

Radical Love is Intersectional

I came across the above quote last semester in my academic research but returned to it in June, when the…

Recovering from Spiritual Perfectionism and Searching for Divine Guidance
Illustration: white boy on green chair, little brown dog sits next to him. Text reads: "My trouble was I had a mind. But I couldn't make it up."

In my last column for NCR, I wrote about my somewhat surprising desire to find a church home in my…

A lesson from the Catholic Church: Demand change, believe survivors

Similar to how priests who abused children were shifted from parish to parish but never disciplined. Systemic. — Mariam…

Not Alone: Why I Wrote for ‘Faithfully Feminist’

Around this time last year, I was parked in the lobby of a hotel in Tobago (the smaller island of…

Tenderness, Masculinity, Femininity and God

I remember attending a Sunday school class several years ago in which the gentleness of God was the topic. I…

Anger is Better

On the Sunday following the Charleston massacre hate crime, those who hadn’t reached the point where they could forgive the…

For Mother Emanuel

   Though I am often critical of the Black Church, my criticism comes from a place of love and fondness…

A Working Faith

  Earlier this week I wrote in my journal that I need a spiritual practice that includes faith and hope,…

Something New for Easter

My church did Resurrection Sunday differently this year. The Drama Ministry and Choir conducted the whole service, except for the…

Let Us Seek True Justice

Note: I wrote the following passage for Sowers of Justice 2015 Stations of the Cross, an annual Good Friday walk…

That time when God came to the read-in

Since January, I’ve been making an effort to accept my own challenge of re-envisioning God. I made a silent commitment…

I Know I’ve Been Changed

One of the reasons I stopped working on my memoir was because when an agent strongly suggested I adapt my…

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