Category Archives: Black Culture
Choosing to Pursue Happiness

I could have had this blog entry completed and posted yesterday, but I chose to spend time I could have…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

The Jesus in Grandmama’s House
Italian Christ

In “The Comfort of a Sweet, Black, Dreadlocked Jesus,” I recalled the image of Jesus Christ as depicted in a painting…

‘It’s a Different World’ from what this trailblazer thought, but we still love her

  It’s rare you hear a speech other than a eulogy that’s sad, beautiful, encouraging and unexpected all at the…

Smiling to False Standards

I recently came across a post on a Facebook page asking women what they didn’t like about themselves when they…

How Well Do Kids Know God?

I watched a video on Facebook today of a little who might have been four or five years old mimicking…

Pure Black Power

A note about today’s post: I have a bi-weekly column on National Catholic Reporter, and I plan to use these…

How to Be a Black Feminist

I’m taking a class titled “History of U.S. Feminisms,” and I’m taking in an abundance of new information. I declare…

No Country (or graduate degree) for Black Feminists

In a few short months, I’ll have to make a very important decision. I’ll have to write a personal statement…

The Right to Have Standards

“How Promiscuity Is a Form of Self-Mutilation,” the headline read. Since I’m returning to writing a memoir largely about sexuality,…

White Girl Dipped in Chocolate?

Many years ago, my father said that by the time I have children, they’ll be white kids dipped in chocolate….

So Black People Aren’t Sex-Crazed, Baby-Making Machines?

Much has already been discussed about single African Americans’ dating desires based on findings from a poll released earlier this month that showed how black people feel…

Is Segregated Literature a Good Thing?

***Update 6/11/2013: If writers of color need a space to gather, their books need a place to be sold, and…

Am I a (Proud) Southerner?

Am I a “Southerner?” Yesterday’s Talk of the Nation made me want to say, “Yes!” I was in the car…

Rules for Colorblind Casting

I swear, the things I find in weekend reading. I saw a headline in my daily e-blast from The Root…

Bringing Black Churches into Reproductive Justice

(For the first Faith & Feminism Friday of 2013, I’m a guest contributor on the “Feminism and Religion” blog. The…

Why Race Should Matter to Pro-Choice Activists

  As I progress with subsequent drafts of my book, I’ve been meeting with another writer for accountability and feedback….

Breaking Bread Barriers with ‘Soul Food Junkies’

As a child, my weekend breakfast menu was consistent: Aunt Jemimah buttermilk pancakes—with whole milk and margarine in the batter,…

9 of the Most Memorable Moments for Black Women in 2012

On this last day of 2012, I’m sharing the moments from throughout the year that are most memorable to me…

Promoting Inner Black Beauty

  I was going over a long list of possible topics to blog about when I jumped on Twitter to…

The Storyteller Makes the Difference

I haven’t seen the new film, “Lincoln,” yet (and with what may be a pinched nerve making it hard to…

Where the Men Never Ended and Could Begin Again Part 2

In part 1, I talked about Hanna Rosin’s book The End of Men and the Rise of Women and suggested that…

Where the Men Never Ended and Could Begin Again

  In her book, The End of Men, author and The Atlantic editor Hanna Rosin explores how the “mancession” and changing…

It’s in the GRITS
Bowl of grits

The full name of this blog is Redbone Afropuff & Black GRITS. I generally ignore the part after “and” because…

It’s business but it’s culture
child with her hair braided

Despite the name of this blog, I rarely say anything about hair. But I heard something yesterday morning that irked…

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