Category Archives: America
The Gospel of Reproductive Justice – #SFS17 Day 1

  At a table on the quiet side of the room, five black women are talking. Sex. Helping a friend…

A Letter to My Students on the Eve of their AP Exams (Essay 16 of 52)

I sent this letter via email to senior high school students I teach in Camden, NJ, earlier this month. If…

Room to Imagine Freedom (Essay 11 of 52)

The sentence is inflicted by white supremacy and its brother patriarchy, the same forces trapping so many people in prisons…

Radical Self Love: Writing Intimate Spaces in the Era of Tyranny (Essay 3 of 52)
Grayscale image. 2 fists raised in the air, against the clouds. Hashtags resist, radical, selflove, and subversive. quote by Mariam Williams

    This week’s essay is posted on The Thought Erotic for its inauguration issue, “We the People Won’t Be…

My Unpopular Opinion on ‘Birth of a Nation,’ the movie I made an unpopular decision to see
movie poster Birth of a Nation 2016

I took myself to see Birth of a Nation earlier this week. (I told you I would.) Short review: well-acted…

On my bicycle, at the intersection of blackness and womanhood, with feminism crossing diagonally

“If a woman says she was raped, I believe her, because for all she has to go through, why would…

How the Orlando shooting is just like the Charleston massacre

… there is nothing new under the sun. –Ecclesiastes 1:9 When I heard about 50 people at a gay nightclub…

Slave narratives, respectability politics, black womanhood and choice

You may ask for freedom only if you live above reproach. That was the message to enslaved black people in…

Radical Love is Intersectional

I came across the above quote last semester in my academic research but returned to it in June, when the…

A lesson from the Catholic Church: Demand change, believe survivors

Similar to how priests who abused children were shifted from parish to parish but never disciplined. Systemic. — Mariam…

Anger is Better

On the Sunday following the Charleston massacre hate crime, those who hadn’t reached the point where they could forgive the…

A House Divided Against Itself: An Open Response to Louisville FOP 614

I’m willing to let this one go. Earlier this month, Louisville Metro Police Officer Nathan Blanford shot Deng Manyoun, a…

For Mother Emanuel

   Though I am often critical of the Black Church, my criticism comes from a place of love and fondness…

Let Us Seek True Justice

Note: I wrote the following passage for Sowers of Justice 2015 Stations of the Cross, an annual Good Friday walk…

Repentance is the answer (when Jesus is the cause)

I’m among the million or so people who have seen NFL player Benjamin Watson’s Facebook post about Ferguson, but in…

A 1954 Case in Defense of Black Womanhood

Blogger’s note: This post was originally published in the Courier-Journal on Sept. 28, 2014 and edited by Pam Platt. For the…

Justifying a faith that supports your oppression

This inconsistency between black identity and Christianity’s role in the oppression of black people is something I think all black…

Home is where I belong

On Aug. 1, I was marching in the Emancipation Day parade along the streets of Port of Spain, Trinidad, the finale of…

The answer to truth is not “shut up”

Every once in a while, you hear something so offensive that it smacks you like a heat index of 102…

I don’t blend in after all

Since I wrote this post, two things have happened: 1. I’ve seen some white people in Trinidad. 2. I’ve been…

Living as a Black woman in 2014 still a ‘metaphysical dilemma’ (because of housing and police and SCOTUS)

Update 08/01/2-014: Victory. Read more here. Update 07/22/2014: LMHA is reevaluating. See this article in the Courier-Journal: Update 07/14/2014:…

Consciousness as a Form of Resistance

Last week I had the privilege of attending Freedom Dreams Freedom Now, a conference sponsored by the Social Justice Initiative at…

From ‘The American Negro’ to #FeministSelfie and #DangerousBlackKids: Posing African American Humanity Through the Centuries

On Friday my mom and I drove up to the Evansville Museum to see the exhibit, “Posing Beauty in African…

Amiri Baraka Told You Tonight’s Golden Globes Would Happen

I forgot the Golden Globes were on tonight, and I tuned in just in time to see Kerry Washington not…

My Best Posts of 2013

I’m a little late on looking back, but I wrote 67 posts in 2013. Here’s my top 10 list of…

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