Monthly Archives: July 2014
Feliz Navidad

This should be a post about masculinity and female sexual expression as observed and/or experienced from the dance floor of…

These are my people, and my people believe in family

Finally felt that affinity with other African people when I was in Tobago. I looked out into the salt water…

Thug Genius

Ever notice how it’s the poor, black, unemployed, idle but creative youth who create musical empires? It’s true in Hip-Hop,…

Place, race and rooted research

Despite the photos I’m posting on Facebook and Twitter, this trip isn’t all, or even 10%, about the beach. It’s…

Tie the heifer, loose the bull: learning gender and family in Trinidad

I don’t know that the above quote is my favorite new saying, but it definitely stuck out to me and…

Waving the White Flag

I’m officially giving up on the photo voice project. The 12+ steps needed to take content from my phone to…

I don’t blend in after all

Since I wrote this post, two things have happened: 1. I’ve seen some white people in Trinidad. 2. I’ve been…

Eating Like a Poor Person

  Update 07/19/2014: Since I’ve given up on trying to upload audio for the photo voice project, I’ve decided to…

An outsider who blends in

Click here to listen to the music with the above photo Update 07/16/2014: I’m having some technical difficulties with the…

Living as a Black woman in 2014 still a ‘metaphysical dilemma’ (because of housing and police and SCOTUS)

Update 08/01/2-014: Victory. Read more here. Update 07/22/2014: LMHA is reevaluating. See this article in the Courier-Journal: Update 07/14/2014:…

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