It’s the obligatory Thanksgiving Day post. Mine is composed of the few things I’m not only thankful for but happy about. This is big; I find happiness elusive.
I’m happy and thankful that …
1. My back feels 200 times better than it did this time last year. I spent last Thanksgiving trying to contort myself into comfortable sitting positions, not knowing that sitting comfortably was impossible then and would be impossible for the next several weeks because of a slipped disc and a pinched nerve. Standing and lying down were my only relief, and it’s really awkward to stand at Thanksgiving dinner when you’re not cooking. I didn’t try lying down and eating, but I don’t think that would’ve worked either. This year a seat cushion should be enough.
2. My maternal grandmother will spend Thanksgiving out of the nursing home and with the family.
3. I will get to spend some time this week doing the only two housewifey things I actually enjoy: cooking and baking. I have ingredients for sweet and spicy kale salad, spiced sweet potatoes and spinach; apple, onion and goat cheese tarts; quinoa and black bean burgers; homemade chicken noodle soup with whole wheat noodles, vegetarian lasagna (with whole wheat noodles my mom and I went on separate wild goose chases to find); pumpkin spice oatmeal and pumpkin spice muffins with orange ginger cream cheese frosting.
4. I found the blog Divas Can Cook.
5. On the Divas Can Cook blog, I found a recipe for vegan southern collard greens.

Hi Ms. Marian. I had the chance to read your post on “On Living with the Inconsistencies in the Bible”. I believe it was a light ,but with an impact, sharing about being stable in creative tension. It is really the aim of the biblical writer to convey this love of God, this meaningful creation but not necessarily promising a scientific treatise. The Bible speaks about the WHY of God, but not the HOW of God. I write you also to point out a quotation you wrote about being ready to testify about one’s reason or hope when someone inquires. Actually, it was not PAul who said it but Peter in 1 Peter 3:15-16 “…Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.” Thanks.
A belated “thank you,” so much, for reading and especially for the correction. I was typing that post out at about 2:00 in the morning, and also really pushing my editor’s deadline. The verse has since been corrected and the post updated.
And yes, the post was a “light” sharing. I would need a much longer word count (or an entire book perhaps), to share my creative tension more in depth.