UPDATE 11/4/2010: Check out video from Thrivals 3.0 at the end of this post! Janelle Monae concert footage included!
At the presenters’ request that we fully engage, listen attentively and talk to one another in person and not just through devices, I let my Twitter and Facebook accounts sit idle during Thrivals 3.0. I did, however, use pen and paper to take notes on the moments that really stuck out to me. My deeper reflections are in this week’s column in Velocity, and you can find screen shots of my tweets throughout the IdeaFestival below (please forgive the misspellings and hash tags with spaces!). Here, in full words, is what I probably would have tweeted throughout the day at Thrivals:
NPR’s Lakshmi Singh expresses her delight at being invited to Thrivals 3.0 after reading up on what exactly Thrivals are. “These are my people. This is what I’m about,” she says.
(My people. That’s the third time in about three or four weeks that I’ve heard that phrase. It starts me to thinking, why am I always alone? Why is it so difficult to find someone to talk to? Why, when I wanted to sell my ticket to this event, could I not think of anyone who would have jumped at the chance to go?)
From Lakshmi Singh’s interview with Howard Bloom, “The Global Brain: The Evolution of the Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century”
Did you know … When we’re born, we have an uncanny ability to recognize subtle differences in faces and to recognize and comprehend language. If, however, an infant is not exposed to different languages or to different people of different races within the first 6 months of life, they lose their ability to comprehend a foreign language with ease and the ability to tell that everyone from a race different from their own doesn’t look alike. (This explained sooooooooo much for me…)
“As a perpetual outsider, you can see the inside of things in ways that nobody else sees them.” — Bloom on how he was able to find the stories about Prince, John Mellancamp, Michael Jackson and others in the music industry that would help them create the music that would make them super stars.
“I’m not a genius. My brain is no better than yours. The trick is persistence.” — Bloom’s response to a high school student’s question as to how he came to be upheld among the great scientists of the ages (Galileo, Einstein, etc.) and being a master of just about everything else, too. (His question was something like, “So, can everybody do what you’ve done, or are you just a genius?”)
From the David Robinson talk, “Coffee, Global Brain & Social Change: Transforming Poverty Into Equality.” A Conversation with David Robinson, founder, Sweet Unity Coffee.
Robinson’s levels of motivation: family, extended family, historical family
Goal to make the world the place it was designed to be: one of unity, prosperity, peace. — David
Go back to yesterday, just within your own family. I find that hardship is not what I’ve experienced. — David Robinson
The names changed. I started out colored, Negro, African American, Thrival. It’s all about the collective effort. That is the vehicle for survival and success.
GREAT Q from the audience: How could networking and entrepreneurship integrate and change Louisville? Robinson points out this prob is not unique to Louisville. (Usually feels like it when I go visit other places, though.)
My father left me millions … in father-son vision. If he had left me millions of dollars, I probably wouldn’t be in Africa. I bring 110% of my father’s inheritance to every business call. — David Robinson
From Treking into the Future: … To boldly go where only Thrivals have gone before! A Conversation with Nichelle Nichols , hosted by Janelle Monae
There’s always more than one way to handle a situation. — Nichelle Nichols on what she learned when she remained professional and respectful in response to a security guard on the WB lot who decided she didn’t have a right to be there, at her job as Lt. Uhura on the set of Star Trek. SMH. (The guard apologized 10 years later.)
Uhura represents more than a role for Nichelle Nichols. She almost left Star Trek before it was actually over to pursue other things! But … she ran into her biggest fan: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“There is a TV show that says, we don’t stop here. We go on. And there is a woman on that show who looks just like us.” — What MLK said to Ms. Nichols that convinced her to stay on the show. (I’m in awe!)
From Tapping into the Global Brain & The Power of Your Own Social Network by John Kobara
“I’ve seen what happens when talent gets wasted.” John Kobara on observations from working in a jail.
Perception is everything. Did you know … a swastika is actually a Sanskrit word meaning well-being and goodness? But slant it, and you have a universal symbol of hate.
How do we pursue the things we care about? (The question of my life!)
Effective career strategies: Positive perspective, personal priorities, pursuit of passion–may not be your day job but must be in your life–professional development, power of now, play out of your comfort zone
Connect with others. Ubuntu = common destiny
Engage others. Treat everyone as your equal. Look 360, not up. (as in: connect to the person sitting next to you, not the celebrity 2 rows in front of you)
“Your destiny is tied to us and ours to you. We have to get the best out of everyone. Lead with legacy instead of planning to leave one.”
From “Thrivalmagination†Music, Art & Poetry Using the Global Brain by Janelle Monae & The Wondaland Arts Society Team
“Fail quick and often.” — Jeff Cohran, WAS
“Make sure your brand is preserved, always.” — Janelle Monae
“I have a huge commitment to other young girls, to my community …” — JM
Write down your core values. Whenever you’re in doubt, return to them to be sure you’re achieving success the right way. — JM & WAS
And my final thought: Aren’t you sad you didn’t get to go!
Video by Keith Robbins